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gay men buy gay dogs.

Fuck it. I’m sick of fucking with my aluminum poles, clamps, and chicken shit bull shit.

(1) - Carbon Fiber 2" - 15-foot rig boom assembly currently being custom made by:

x2 in 315/35/17

:rofl dude you fawking kill me

This coming from the guy with 6 cats all fatter than my dog.

show me this dog.

x2 eman is like a roided out more pissed off version of that “cat lady” everyone has at their jobs. :rofl :rofl :rofl

Thats a bad ass set up

thats a badass fozzie



two bad ass cats, that are not cats at all. they are fawkin TIGERS!!! ROARSSSSSSS

catz = da gayz

im a dick lately and i have every right to be. srsly i go out looking for a fight. i dont even care anymore its that bad.

thats 33" of absolute AWESOME!!!


holy shit that is a fat ass cat! Bro your such a fitness nut yet your cats look like they about to die of a heart attack how the hell did this happen?

I have a cat that looks just like that. I hate her, she just showed up about 2 years ago and never left. Sometimes, she sneaks inside the house and pisses on my couch.

No its 33#'s of awesome