Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

^ Awesome lol

Finally got my combo switches, and the icu. Fix my headlights, and get intermittent wipers FTW

If you need some tires/rims, look no further.

Truck stop just had a cutoff wheel. Makes a mess but get’s it done with little fuss.

You have got to be kidding me right. Why would I buy $1000 worth of shit tires and rims to replace $2500+ worth of forged CCW racing wheels??? Factor in minimum $2 per tire for disposal too.

…this has been bumped to most retarded post of the year now.

not sure if you were joking around but im pretty sure he was kidding… Also the owner of that post is PAYING $1,000 for the disposal of the tires, not asking $1,000 for them.

upwards of 1200 tires
~$2 min disposal fee per tire, upwards of $4 in some places.
~$1400 in the hole to start WITH him paying you $1000, lets not get into the time and fuel involved in transporting the crap. And with the $2 fee, you’d barely make back enough in scrap on the wheels to cover the loss. It’s not $15 per aluminum wheel, trust me :lol

yup. After reading that add I was thinking the same shit. What a rip off.

sad thing is, some idiot will do it, and get bent over for it.

seller is smart

guy that will be doing the work, not so much.

It is a rip off if it was done legit however as indicated in the post, seller “doesnt care how they get removed” which means hes looking for someone with a truck whos just gonna dump em somewhere without paying probably.

GoKart places love tires FYI.

:Idiots It was obviously a joke lol. I just happened to see the ad right after reading your posts.

I see them on farms a lot too for whatever reason.

I sanged a 16" steelie last night in the hudson fishing for strippers and the guy next to me caught a Firestone 225-55-R16. Must be one of you meat heads just made $1000! lol



How’d you make out on stripers?

no strippers and no stripers. fuckin loosing.

Did you end up having to get the permit for the hudson this year or did they scrap it?

yeah need an “addition” to your normal fishing lic anywhere in NYS for strippers. I mean stripers.

ahh gotcha. Thanks

You dont need the permit anymore FYI, they recently dropped it. I went out last week and caught some herring and shad but only my dad got a striper and a smaller one at that, about 25".

I really didnt get to go yet… but want to bad. A buddy of mine pulled a 45lber out 2 days ago. BIG FUCKIN BASS!