Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

I will play AC3 for sure with rental.

3 hours of gameplay on Dishonored? I spent 12+ hours yesterday and I am half way into the first mission; I am sure if you just run and gun it all the way you can finish it fast.

meh, i wouldnt know. i havent played it at all.

Halo 4 and keurig…

Coolest thing i’ve ever seen in terms of a thermostat which is the lamest thing ever lol

I just bought one, very excited to try it out

Been contemplating picking one up, let me know how you like it.

i have a nest, its pretty cool.

I want one of those now. Looks all Jarvis like :lol

Just purchased this on PS3. I’m an old Doom/D2 fan and when I saw this I flipped out. Comes with every episode for the first two Doom games, Doom 3, and both expansion packs for Doom 3. All for $40

Doom 3 on nightmare mode, lights out, headset on = fucking heart attack in some places.

When did they release that on PS3??? I didn’t even know it was coming out. If ps3 didn’t force me to update 6000 times to play a fucking single player game i might consider purchasing it.

I have been waiting to hear feedback on that Doom package. Everyone is bonkers over Assassin’s Creed still…

Doom FTW. I used to love that game back in the day.

Duke Nukem/Wolfenstein FTW

Doom was the best one though. Spent many many hours playing that shit.

Because deals.

bought a round of these:

for this guy and I:

^ I’d be glad to help you drink it while we argue about how that clown was never presidential material!

I still remember some of the cheat codes for doom lol. IDSPISPOPD and IDKFA forget what they do though lol

:slight_smile: Then again, neither of us actually know him, hence the point of buying a beer and shooting the shit man-o to man-o, so I for one can’t say he was or wasn’t definitively.

IDGOD(invincible) & IDCLIP(walk through walls) too