Post pics of your custom computer and other electronic devices

Damn Singh… nice 3dMarks 16,6xx is a great score. Whats the mobo, cpu and video card?

I will take a pic tonight, and give you the specs on my system. I built it a few months ago, but want to drop in some new video cards

Quickie specs:
E6850 @ 3.4ghz, Zalman 9700 heat sink, Asus P5n32-e SLI, two PNY 8500 512mb video cards oc’d right out, 2gb OCZ dual chan, 500gb sata WD… list goes on.

I maxed out my 3dMarks @ 12,xxx I think it was… I cant wait to dump these 8500, and drop in 2 8800GTS cards both running PCIE-16X… Thanks Asus 680i SLI technology!

Anyone play TF2???

Vista 32 bit will support 4GB: Windows Vista SP1 includes reporting of Installed System Memory (RAM) - Microsoft Support. I could run a 64 OS, but I haven’t aquired the corporate license for it yet :sad

On that dual powersupply thing… How does one pull that off? My single 500W I dont think will power both 8800GTS’s. It is a nice mid priced Antec PSU, but I doubt it will carry the load.

I’m running my Antec power supply ( I think 500 something watts) just on the 8800GTS and my other power supply 480W I think, is running everything else. There is a green wire that is the “power on” signal, if you jumper that wire between each power supply and jump a pair of black wires (to make sure you have a good ground) you can then power up both supplies when you press the power button on the computer case. The main thing is having enough room in your computer case to house both supplies, my Lian-Li case was made for two supplies. My current case

I got an X1950!

uh 500w with two 8800GTS’s it might power them maybe depending on how many hdd’s and other hardware you are powering, but i wouldnt recommend it lol cuz even if it runs it may be under performing …

Why have two psu’s ? well it might be cheaper i guess, but in my opinion, if u got two psu’s for performance, thats silly, cuz i have 1 psu, 1300 watts from tagan, it was 400 bucks or something… that shit is a beast… i would run dual if i really needed 2600 watts … otherwise one is fine :smiley: two 500’s is a PITA !

my computer is totally nasty

QX9650 core 2 extreme

790i Ultra SLI nvidia shit

EVGA 9800GX2 from nvidia… its actually not a bad card considering the gpu isnt new… now i gotta quad sli !

liek 2 something TB of space across 3 hdds would have over 3TB but im too lazy to take my 500 outta my other pc which is running office spec hardware LOL 8400gs celeron dual core etc etc, 22inch samsung wide, 19 inch acer normal aspect (shoulda got another samsung but w/e might go with 3 monitors actually) REALLY nasty nasty logitech speaker set, the most expensive ones they sell as far as i know, damn worth it.

i wanna see wats good with an overclock this fall/winter when the temps are colder and less humid… if i hit 25k mark with another 9800 i’ll be happy, provided by the fall my system will be SHIT !

its not that bad, but its getting there, fast, its slightly faster than 7800, or about as fast as a 7800ULtra, bu talking agp (assuming your talking about 1950 agp) then its slightly faster than the 7800GS but whatever, they both slow :smiley:

i have vista 64 ultimate… and windows xp modded 32 bit cuz i use some special programs that dont work great with 64 bit …

i dont think i really utilize half the power of my pc, but whatever i will in a couple months im sure, BUT ! IIRC there actually is a patch/workaround for 32 bit xp to use 4gb of ram provided you can set something up in bios etc i forgot, but search google for 4gb with xp 32 or some shit…

I custom build…but not custom design.

Here is my setup:

Core 2 Duo - E6850
GeForce 8800Ultra (sick clock speeds, etc.)
2GB DDR3 1600 memory

Keeps me running…smoootttthhhh…

nice setup there, what clocks you running on the ultra?

91240… that case is SICK! Thanks for clearing up the dual PSU question, I figured it was just a power on and ground, but wasnt sure.

Singh… That 9650 is crazy! That EVGA 9800GX2, is the dual core GPU right? I just picked up a EVGA GTX260 super clocked edition. 605MHZ W-192 cores & 896MB @ 2052mhz. This thing is amazing. I was running 2 8500GT SLI’d, and posted 11,xxx IIRC. Poped the car in, and installed drivers. rebooted, and benched 14,300 first run! Cranked up the settings in TF2, and still ran 65-120FPS! SOOOO smooth, and the water and dust clouds are sick! With 2 9800GX2’s sli’d, you will be cranking out some serious numbers! What case is that BTW, I looked around but couldnt find anything based off the pic you posted.

Ilya… Thats the same proc I am running… It works great! I cranked it up to 3.4, and still never sees 40deg C with my Zalman 9700. My buddy has that 8800Ultra too, and I tried it in my machine, have you benchmarked it on 3dMark 06 yet?

i’ve always built my own pcs since high school. i don’t put anything like lights or plexi in them though, i mostly keep it out of sight. my server does have 2 blue led fans in it… lol thats about it.

speaking of which i bought that processor off somebody from either swat or apgforums like 3+ years ago. its a 3.0ghz p4 and its still going! i still have and use all the stuff i bought from him… i think it was amdisthebest but i dunno. also sold me a logitech wireless mouse. whoever it was if you’re out there you’re a good seller! lol

@ kkkustom

yea the cpu is nasty, and the video card is actually two cards (Sli) , two gpus, two ramdacs, two pcb’s, two everything just on one pci-e slot, which is sick. You can run two gpus on one monitor for max performance, or use single gpu per monitor for multi monitor, in xp i run single gpu for multi monitor when im doing work, and for gaming in vista 64 im using Sli on my 22 inch and im getting retarded fps numbers 300-400 on maxed out cod4 and shit like that

the gtx260 is a nice slick card, i think they are pretty decently priced too, all the cards came down in price, did u hear about ati/nvidia shit? well they got caught so i think the prices are gonna be going down or something now… i bought my 9800 for over 600 bucks or 700 i cant remember, now look at the price 400 something LOL ! which im fine with cuz i want another one !

thats why they call it quad sli, its two cards but each card has two pcbs which hold the ram (1gb a piece) and gpu and everything like that so two cards, 4 gpus, oh yeaaaa :smiley:

this is my 6th or so built pc i used to build my pc’s every few months i cant afford to do that now since prices gotten crazy and i have to have the fast stuff now, so im trying to build a top of the line once per year, i havent had a pc before i was 16, so i guess im a n00by

yo I got an X1950 :giggedy

No shit, I did not know it was 2 PCB’s in the GX2. I knew it was dual GPU’s but I thouhgt it was like dual and quad cores… an all on one CPU chip. thats cool, it is like an internal SLI. Now get your hands on 2 more of those, and drop them in a tri-SLI capable mother board!

Yeah I heard about the battle between nvidia and ATI. I guess there is a check box now on the 3dmark06 and vantage you have to check if you are running a nvidia card, becasue nvidia “cheated” the benchmarking test or something like that. I guess it made a 1000 point difference or something like that. LOL sneaky.

I always like the Nvidia stuff. ATI seems like they are more efficent, but nvidias are tweaked out and have more balls behind them… but somehow ATI’s still run slightly better! lol. I like being the underdog though. Not to mention, I would have to spend $250 on a Crossfire mother board and 2 new cards, when now I just have to wait for the price drop on the card I just got and SLI them. too much work to switch companies. IMO

ati’s do or were running better with mutli gpus than nvidia was, better drivers on crossfire

i still prefer nvidia over ati anyday until the day comes that a single ati gpu can beat (by far) nvidia gpu etc right now its just crossfire beating nvidia etc

you cannot put 3 9800’s on a 3 way sli board, my board is 3-way sli btw, i have 3 pci e 16’s for 3 way sli BUT three 9800 GX2’s first of all wouldnt even fit, they are too fat, double the width of a reg card, plus that would be 6 gpus, there is no drivers to support 6 gpus, right now having two GX2’s (4 gpus) is pretty nasty

Yeah I’m pretty much an ATI hater, but like AMD processors… kinda weird since AMD owns ATI but whatever.

I always wanted to go SLi, and was planning too when I got tht 7800gt when it first came out. But I’m not really big into games anymore so there is no reason.

ya i hear ya on that, i just wanan go with another GX2 while its still an OK card… yano

Physical space and drivers… didnt think of that one! lol

PS, I am catching up to your benchie… 14,8xx yesterday, turned the fan on the video card to 100% and killed some processes. I will be wiping my HD and starting over, then OC’ing the card a bit more… I gota get 16,000!!! I just have to!!!

muahaha ya… well if u get 16k then post a pic, and i’ll get 25k, i know kids with my setup getting 30k under extreme overclocking situations

I might mess around if i got some competition :smiley:

heres my top score without overclocking

16800 is what u need to beat then i’ll be like DAMN

Its on brother!!! I wiped it last night, and installed my custom “Compact version” of XP Pro. At boot and idle, 16 processes only use 65MB of ram! I should have a bench tonight.