Post pics of your custom computer and other electronic devices

I scored 18200.

i have a computer, it works sometimes, thats what i know about it

Damn, I don’t want to know what my score is, I’m trying to save money.

PICS/ORB Link… or BS!!! ;D


edit… I call BS, ORB shows 13880 as a max score for a 1950XT… :nana

lol…yea I just made up a number that was higher :giggedy

LOL, see us tech-no dorks take our scores seriously! haha. :banana

lol i knew mike was bs’in hes just jealous cuz he has a 1950 :smiley:

yea im runnin xp pro stripped as well, not alot of processes at all i coulda installed a version without networking at all but wtf is the purpose of that

the entire xp is 235mb or some shit


I just hit 19000 gigawatts.

Well, I am stock clocks on everything… but the cleaner install gave me 14,750.

I spent most of the night getting the kick ass nVidia system monitor, EVGA Presision OC tool, and the Asus AI Booster OC tool to work right. The EVGA tool even displays the current running conditions of my video card on my G15 keyboards LCD screen!

I also spent most of the night bolting my turbo back on and getting my car rolling in the right direction again, after 3 weeks of being parked. But tonight I will crank it up and see what it will do.

lol alright, i havent done shit i kinda just plugged everything in an ran 3d mark LOL maybe i’ll try to run 3dmark on other OS’s and see what I get

I maxed out my E6850 @ 3.57Ghz, and currently have the gtx260 @ 760 GPU, 1600 shader & 1160 memory clocks. 42C max on the CPU, 58C max on the GPU… 15,601 last run! I think I can still crank on the video card, and work a bit with the system memory… I doubt I will beat your 16,6xx but I want to see 16,xxx and I will be happy.

I get paid this week, I think i am ordering a quad core! :banana

ya well… i ordered 1GB more of sheep (ram) so there! (2GB total on laptop)

lol i love that commerical with the granfather and grandson. I NEED MORE SHEEP!

haahah thats funny

well ur score is pretty sick bro

but i just got an 18k with some mild tuning :smiley: screenshots soon when i get more time to get in the 20’s :smiley:

but im never home in clifton park, im always in lebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbby so i never see this pc thing anymore