Post the Most Recent picture of your car (PICS ONLY)

Thanks Andrew :smiley:

^ hey look proper ride height

looks great samson

low cars are cool

^^ low flushed out cars are even cooler :wink:

but your still cool matt!

Sort of the most recent lolz, I cant find my camera =(

Here are some of the Pics from the audio build.

There is still lots of work to be done, Ill have the rest of the pic’s up by the end of the week.

your going alll out this year eh?

time to make a gonad webspace for progress…

I dont even want to know how much all that weigh’s

haha it is not that bad, all of the equipt, MDS and glas all togeather will be less then 150LBS, I am not a race car driver so I am happy with some quality sounding audio. also I can just turn up the boost a pound to make up for it.

what are running now?
last I heard it was 5psi to stay on the save side.

some paint pictures maybe?

8lbs roughly, I start to run out of fuel around 10

Hey i usually see your car at the lake on sunday in oshawa

where dont you see matt? hes everywhere

in this picture you can see all the differnt shades of white fairly well

and this is my penis pit…uhhh i mean cockpit

the government made me do it

oh and i totaly fucked my muffer up at shannonville a month ago

Moar pics of the GN? :cool:

fastback240 – where dont you see matt? hes everywhere

im cp24
Who are you anyways? i dont like anyone at the lake, i just go there to fuck the gf up ontop of the hill thing…

:open_mouth: you dont like all those j-bodys that hang out up there? …i love em espetialy that one guy with the awsome bodywork.

i raised the rear of the car up an inch or so… meh, i like it better