Post up pics of your best wreck.

1bagGTP wins

one of mine

Some classic quotes from that night…
(I wake up and the people that own the yard Im in ask if Im ok)
I respond, “Lemmie just drive out of your yard and I’ll come back tomarrow to give u some money for damages”. The guy responds, “dude, you’re missing your rims, I dont think you’re going anywhere.”

(Fireman telling me to hold tight, not worry…the noise is gonna be from the Jaws Of Life)
I tell him, “NO DONT”!! He tells me its just a tool to get me out. (hes thinking Im flipping out because of the noise.) I said, “NO NOOOO, here I’ll crawl out…dont cut my car!!” 2 firemen hold me down in my seat.
Another fireman says, “wtf its only a Grand AM”. .fuckers
When they get me on the stretcher and rolling me to to ambulance my dad yells, “Im here.” I reply, "GOOD, dont let them junk my car, I wanna get the engine/trans out of it first. Guy rolling the stretcher responds with, “this kid is fuckin nuts.” :wink:

Then, to add to my ballernesss, a week out of the hospital, Im on crutches, fractured hip, herniated disk, beat to shit. My car is in the garage. Im depressed from what happened…I pop some Lortabs hobble out to the garage on my crutches, start pulling that fucking engine/trans. Crawled underneath to undo the lower engine/trans mount bolts…couldn’t fucking wiggle out, hurt waaaaaaay too bad. Called my dad, hes freakin out because I’m under the car, tell him to just pull me out by my good leg.

I didn’t have time to take pictures of my wreck.
When you get Mercy Flighted they don’t want to wait.:wink:

Has anyone else taken a trip on Mercy Flight?
If not, I think I have you all beat.:smiley:
I don’t remember the accident or flight or even the frist of 3 days in the hospital.
I broke C2 and C3 in my spine.
Yeah, I am lucky to be alive.

So who else has taken Mercy Flight?


I didn’t have time to take pictures of my wreck.
When you get Mercy Flighted they don’t want to wait.:wink:

Has anyone else taken a trip on Mercy Flight?
If not, I think I have you all beat.:smiley:
I don’t remember the accident or flight or even the frist of 3 days in the hospital.
I broke C2 and C3 in my spine.
Yeah, I am lucky to be alive.

So who else has taken Mercy Flight?


Please tell us the whole story

So who else has taken Mercy Flight?

I was ~supposed~ to but, the nearest one was out on another call and they figured they could drive there quicker…my vitals were stable…mmmm Delata (sp) it was same as morphine. I was disappointed…but if someone else needed it…so be it.

It was the “666” on the plate.


AFTER i sold it to its new owner…


i was def drunk - didnt get a dwi…THANK GOD.


Please tell us the whole story


I was actually driving a company truck with 10 bars of 4"dia. aluminum when some lady decided to cross the centerline and hit me, which sent me into the path of a 60,000lb grain truck hitting it head-on.
The aluminum was all over the road.
I don’t remember any of it.
How do you forget Mercy Flight?
Needless to say I had a concusion.

Silly Cuv

It was the “666” on the plate.

Thats funny in a eerie way, because my VIN number had “666” in it.

It was on my mind all the time before my wreck, and now that I lived through a wreck…it ~kind of~ crosses my mind on occasion.