So based on my custom miles per year my planet killer is down to 8.0

2001 Audi S4:
Energy Impact Score
Annual Petroleum Consumption
(1 barrel=42 gallons)
19.0 barrels/year

Carbon Footprint
Annual Tons of CO2 Emitted: 10.2

EPA Air Pollution Score: 1

1990 Pontiac TGP:
Energy Impact Score
Annual Petroleum Consumption
(1 barrel=42 gallons)
19.0 barrels/year

Carbon Footprint
Annual Tons of CO2 Emitted: 10.2

EPA Score: N/A

1984 Toyota Supra:
Energy Impact Score: N/A

Carbon Footprint
Annual Tons of CO2 Emitted: 9.6

EPA Score: N/A

The barrel is the name of several units of volume:

* Oil barrel: 42 US gallons, 158.9873 litres,[1] or 34.9723 Imperial (UK) gallons.
* UK beer barrel: 36 UK gallons (163.7 litres).
* US beer barrel: 31 US gallons (117.3 litres), the result of tax law definitions.
* US non-beer liquid barrel: 31½ US gallons (119.2 litres), or half a hogshead.
* US dry barrel: 105 dry quarts (115.6 litres).
* Somali water barrel: 200 litres - used in Horn of Africa to measure water and diesel.

The standard oil barrel of 42 US gallons (159 L) is used in the United States as a measure of crude oil and other petroleum products. Elsewhere, oil is commonly measured in cubic metres (m3) or in tonnes (t), with tonnes more often being used by European oil companies. International companies listed on American stock exchanges tend to convert their oil production volumes to barrels for global reporting purposes, and those listed on European exchanges tend to convert their production to tonnes.

It is a barrel not a drum.

Yeah, I cant use that… It has an EPA MPG of ~22-27, and I get ~ 16-19. WAAAY off.

you arent. the earth gets along just fine without all of Al Gore’s idiocy.

This thread is pointless and stupid and further spreads all this hippy bullshit.

seriously. go out to the sticks and take a look at the countryside and the sky and think about how much crap was dumped into the air from the industrial revolution to the 70’s IE pre catalytic converters. looks pretty clean doesnt it. look at a stream, see a huge oil slick. nope. looks like the earth can take care of itself. hell it produces that dreaded black goo itself (oil). you would think the earth wouldnt be suicidal.

there is no way carbon dioxide (IE FUEL FOR OXYGEN PRODUCING PLANTS) is going to turn the earth into a massive fireball.

you have to toss your brain in the trash to buy into this politically fueled propaganda.


wow, good to know.

Driving a Prius is like having sex and wearing 5 condoms. Sure, it gets the job done, but where is the fun in that? I’m lazy but I bet my carbon footprint with the GTO is about 5. I managed to get 26.3 mpg on the way into work this morning. Took the car out for lunch and got 25.3 mpg and that included me having to lay into it pretty good on Elmwood to catch the 198E back to the 33W downtown

I love it, my two vehicles have a combined 16 cyl and 11.4 liters yet my yearly CO2 is lower than pretty much everyone here. :lol:

I guess living close to where you work/shop/play > driving some PC econobox. :slight_smile: