10 Cars that Get More than 40MPG

I’m so glad 2 of the 10 are available to purchase in the U.S.:banghead:


And exactly 2 of them I would own (which hilariously aren’t sold in the US).

No surprises there

Well then we must impose more strict regulations for US car makers to produce cars that get better fuel economy. :bloated:

They’ve got 11 years til 2020 comes.

That jag that jeremy drove last week was amazing…

only car on there i woudl drive would be the Merc TDI

agreed, 53 mpg in that big car and he wasn’t driving economically for the most part.

All of those cars got better than their advertised mpg.

Hammond: “Why would Anyone buy a Prius?” -80 MPG in his polo and 63 MPG in a legacy.

We need diesels here.

uhm… You can get the Prius, Civic hybrid and the Fortwo here…

What is the argument against diesels anyway?

george bush hates them…

the were dirtier per gallon of fuel burned… but got 20-40% better MPG… but of course, so inreality, they are cleaner then gas burners that wasnt considered…

Not the Fortwo diesel as listed in the article.

oops, didn’t read that whole article

The smart in it’s current config blows, it doesn’t get amazing mpg for all the sacrifices that are needed, a mini cooper is far more practical and tons more fun. With gas dropping, I don’t see smart lasting too long here

It’s so annoying to see how obsessed some people get about mileage. Honestly, it’s one of the least imp. factors I consider when buying a car. If you can’t afford fuel, you should not be driving.


Obviously you have never lived anywhere with a long commute

The smart car’s main selling point is not its fuel economy.

At least, not around here.

I know hybrid cars are huge in DC based on the fact you can drive in the HOV lanes with them…since all the highways in DC are HOV only during prime commute hours it really works out well…

A lot of people are comparing apples to oranges. You have two different factors effected that interests people with increased mpg.

1.) Some people want increased mpg to save the environment
2.) Some people want increased mpg to save their pocket book

If you’re looking to save your pocketbook: Diesel is more expensive per gallon, so you can’t do a direct comparison between based the 2 based on mpg alone. 30% more expensive Diesel means you need MORE than a 30% greater mpg to save any money.

30mpg gas = 40mpg diesel in the pocket book (roughly)

If you’re looking to save the environment: Diesel pollutes more per gallon, but if you’re increasing your mpg, it’s cleaner then a gasoline engine getting less mpg.

so what do YOU care about? Environment or Pocketbook?

…just saying.

I concur.

But it’s always been an obsession throughout time for some people. Things never change.
