Post your Cable/DSL Speeds

well who the eff is everyone else with? or is brampton a dead znoe? LOL

someone hook me up with a gangster internet company.

At school in Hamilton
2nd go

HOLY SHIT!!!:stuck_out_tongue:

Thats what I was thinking, because these computers are slow as shit


^^^^ you are on fibre optics. its unreal. get a new computer and start downloading torrents dude.

@ home in Ajax

Its at school :(, or else I would love too…Half Baked, freddy got fingered…

damn, that’s pretty good
We can’t even get Cogeco in Toronto… I remember when I was at MAC Cogeco was available and people where getting 5Mbit/s down 1Mbit/s up easily (and this was in 02-03)… I still can’t even get that years down the road in a much bigger city than Hamilton :slight_smile:

Rogers, Scarborough

fuckin capped up’d… it kills my torrent ratios


From London Ont

If you’re on Bell, don’t ping Toronto. Ping Chicago, because Bell routes though chicago and then back to toronto, so you don’t get an accurate figure.

Bell generally pings better to Chicago than rogers.

On Laptop

I don’t know why Rogers has such shitty upload speed compared to everwhere else

thats a very good up speed. ^^^^^ are you on rogers extreme plus?

I believe so? I’m not the one who pays the bills so… no clue lol

I thought Rogers Extreme Plus was 18Mbit/s (max)
How are you getting 19.6?

i called roger’s when i was at school about it cause i was getting 16 mb\s and there excuse was it was around 18mb\s so he could be getting better or you could be getting worst