Posting for NOOBS

Before you post watch this video

Lol its jokes

haha, the flash is funny, but applied.

hahahah im a newb ,thats funny shit

For some reason I can’t get the link to open…keeps saying explorer can’t open … newby here aswell…

same thing happens to mine… if the screen loads and then one of those error boxes opens up… just dont click “ok”, move it out of the way… cus for mine once you click on “OK” it closes the page and goes to a
“The page cannot be displayed”

or at least thats what happens with mine.

nice one!! lmao!!:smiley:

ahahahaha “omfg steam roxorz teh big one111!”

Want to say Hell-O to everybody here…!! i am nubee, i am also on a Vspec forum site but most peeps are located in the U.S.A…
On that site they have live chat for everybody logged on… is there a live chat on this forum and where would that be??

hey whats up guys, im a newbe too
that was a good video, to be honest i didnt know how to start a new thread anyway

Hey guys, my name is Max, i live in richmond Hill. I was just wondering if anyone of you can give me and advise or a suggestion. I just recently bought an altima 2005 2.5 S automatic. I was just thinking if a cold air intake is worth to put in.
I’m no expert on cars, but just want to do something on it.

ANYTHIng that you can advise or give me a brief idea of what could be done,
will be really appriciated.

lol its funny bcuz its true haha…

Well done ahahaha very well done