Posting from my PSP

This wireless dsl is awesome! It works perfectley with my PSP. :tup:

psp > all other portable gaming systems.

i posted the exact same thread months ago…search jigga

Its slow but it works. PSP is sweet

Damn… didn’t see it when I did a quick search. Sry bout that.

Mine’s not slow? Other than the hassle of the typing it is great. Downloaded the 16MB update in no time.

awesome…87fox needs do get his wirless going on

Lol. . . im posting from my phone. is that cool enough?

Thats what I mean. Someone needs to make a keyboard peripheral for it.

bah…I post from my Ipaq all the time :stuck_out_tongue:

posting form the psp is pretty cool tho :slight_smile:

if u get a better memory card for your PSP itll work better…the one that comes with psp (256mb?) makes it megaslow

The one that comes with it is a 32mb.

Eventually there will be something.

there is one coming out by logic 3… released 2/24/06

link on how to get introweb working on my psp.

2gb memory stick >

you need wireless set up… Go go home… and network setup, or wireless setup or something like that on the main menu… You need to do the update for the web browser if you have a version less than either 1.5 or 2.0 NOte updating to 2.0 will remove the ability to play homebrew (emulators and stuff) although I think you can get a homebrew web-browser if yo need to.

Wireless internet on PSP > Homebrew anything

$200 laptop > psp

it can be yes :slight_smile:

:bsflag: u didnt search

Sir… you are wrong :slight_smile: