PSP web browser

im on psp right now…full internet not the watered down crap that ive seen on PDAs…it rules. dont know if everyone knew about this

knew bout it… Love it…
Still not as good as a full blown web browser but will be when the keyboard is released.

hmm thats funny, i get full internet on my PDA

my cell phone > psp for internet

exactly ^^^^

since it has a USB port cant u use a keyboard that is already available for PDAs and stuff?..“hmm thats funny, i get full internet on my PDA” i played around with my friends PDA and it was like …definitly watered down …most sites wouldnt work and thigns were only updated to when he had it last had it plugged in - to summarize, i think it rules, makes me wanna buy a bigger memory card though

thats cause he was probably using WAP or avant go, which doesnt get updated till he syncs. my PDA is wireless and i get whatever my firefox gets, nothing watered down
