
I was wondering if any uses the Nintendo Wii to surf the web by using the wii internet channel. If so how well does it work?

i use ps3 and i know its irrelevant but its not good. I can use youtube but not imeem soo its not good. best thing i can do is search for new ps3 themes.

Ive used it like a few times, but a bunch of us used it on you tube so i don’t know how it views outside of it. sorry iam no help.

its alright, lack of a bluetooth keyboard support sucks asshole. Once you get your bookmarks setup its usable. Still cant beat a real keyboard

um. you can use a wireless USB keyboard. i have one on mine.



I use it sometimes when I’m at my sister’s house. Her laptop is slow as hell and the Wii is actually alot faster in that case. But it is somewhat cumbersome. Kinda sucks too if everyone is sitting around and you gotta type in a password with the WiiMote.

More of a ‘cool’ thing than any real advantage.

well I figured I would try the internet on the will its not to bad. Diff not like a pc but for the money its pretty good and I bought a keyboard for at best buy just for the wii called a powerboard. I’m using the wii and the wireless keyboard to type this reply.

its ok but like others said you need a real key board

my ipod touch is actually very nice for surfing the web

its not bad. i wouldnt read/write email with it but its ok to surf smaller sites

heh, i havent touched that console in months. Never bothered to try to get one for it since i have laptops

I wanna get a Wii… probably won’t use it for surfing the net, but would like to get one.