Post's that were edited in the regular forum


You aparently were not listening Benjamin, He was in my face saying he was going to hit me, I told him to do it several times if he thinks hes so tough and that I wasnt scare of him, told him he was acting like a roided up dog or something to that effect and that its just a stupid picture etc etc…

No sorrys were said until he calmed the fuck down and I told him id stop and to shake my hand… to which he was acting like a child and was like “im not shaking your hand”

Me and him have been fine ever since then… I dont give a shit hes a good dude when hes not getting butthurt over something stupid. Don’t think he expected me to talk back to him either… I dont give a fuck if Eman or meatpaws up here wants to deck me in the face… not going to tuck my tail between my legs and walk away :lol