Postulate: Female engineering students...

…are haters.

haters of what

when iw as at UB there were a few…they didnt seem like haters

i swear i need to slow down when reading… i thought that said prostitute female engineering students…


I’m going to make an official NYSPEED post-whore thread.

Good. You can lump it with your horrid “homosexual undertones” thread. Maybe we can have a “heterosexual overtones” thread and talk about storks.

tell me the story to go with this now :wink:

i’ll have something entertaining to read at work tomorrow morning.


actually, postwhore threads are incredibly fun, once they get going.

kind of like storks

Are storks real characters, or are they like leopleurodons?

my girlfriend is an engineering student she isnt a hater but im sure it will be a funny story so post away


I actually have high respect for female engineers and students. Well, once the man-haters only there because they have something to prove got weeded out. It’s a hard field to begin with, so to take on a technically challenging and predominantly male field takes some balls. They always seemed to work a little bit harder or something, like they’re there because they want to be not because anyone expected them to be.

Well that, and what engineering broads there are tend to be fairly hot.

whoa. I want one. I want to pet it.


none of this makes any sense

The world doesn’t make sense, bucko.

Candy mountain! Candy mountain, Charlie. Candy mountain!

i work with one.
shes the hardest working one in engineering.

she always seems to have to “prove herself” to everyone.
sales guys, etc… it seems as though she is always overlooked reguarding
something or other.

on top of the part time status, 42 hours a week, 3 kids and doing all the stuff moms do
at home… she still has her sanity.

not all females are alike. not all engineering students are alike.
are the female eng students smarter than you or something :smiley:

ive never seen an attractive female engineer