Power FC part number

Does anyone knows what’s the part number for the Apexi Power FC for S13 Blacktop SR20DET? I heard its different from the Redtop.


what ecu do you have the 94-96 E5 ecu is (414AN015)

and theres the 96-99 J4 ecu and i dont know that one

The other one is 414AN017.

There is one Power FC for redtop, and two for blacktop depending on your ecu as already stated.


Find the one based on your ECU year

If you get the wrong model it’s just a matter of re-wiring a few pins.

How come they have more than one part for each model?
I have the 94-96 Blacktop, so I guess I need either a 414-N004 or 414-N015 or 414-N021. What’s the difference between them anyway?

And also will a 414-N017 run on my engine?

my blactop clip ran on an redtop ecu… make of that what you will

L-Jetro - MAF Based
D-Jetro - MAP Based

As for the two L-Jetro options, you will have to check your ECU and see what it is to determine what Power FC you need.

So which ones are L-jetro and which ones are D-Jetro? Cause I can’t read Japanese.

The ones with the following in bracket is D-Jetro : (D-ジェトロ)

414-N021 180SX(D-ジェトロ )

It’s not that hard to decypher. :hsugh: