Power window busted :(

My passenger side window won’t go up and down. From what i can see after taking the door panel off, some sort of braided cable snapped in two.

I went to shop and they quoted me 350 + tax. Said that the regulator needed to be replaced. Not quite sure what the regulator is.

Any insight on fixing this problem and above information would be great.
Are they correct…etc?

been there done that twice in 14 years now…yep you need a new regulator…and nissan rips you off on them…

crap :frowning:
Thanks for reply tho Adam. At least I know they arn’t dicking me around then. I’m just gonna jam it closed for now. Worry about it in the spring.

Get one off a parts car man.

ya, that would be ideal.

Curious though, when replacing the assembly, what will happen with the sliders? They are attached to the glass correct. From what I see in the manual, you must replace the whole assembly?

my regulator kept making clicking sounds, so i taped the plug in REALLY tight, and somehow it fixed it good

this happend to me on two cars
you have to replace the whole assembly
there is no way around it.

i have an assembly for sale if you like for the passanger side window

All fixed now.
Was an easy job. Like 8 bolts in all lol.
I’m a happy camper again. :slight_smile: