
Who’s goin?

more info :smiley:

its a car show at northlands i think its $11 to get in…check our events calender for dates…its friday, saturday, and sunday of next week

Im going my uncle is in the show

Meh…went a few years ago and it is boring as hell. Couldn’t find anyone to talk to about the cars on display - they were all either egomaniacs who were better than you or sugar-coated booth babes who don’t know a piston from a vibrator. $11 is better spent on a pizza than powerama. :smiley:

I should be there but i’m working so i don’t know yet. Getting paid walk around so i don’t care.

Isn’t just a bunch of cars from Edmonton?

For the most part - Mainly hot rods and heavily modded show cars. There are some factory stock cars as well. It hasn’t been quite the hotrod show it used to be in years past.