
Last day to drop by and see the NECC! Stop by and meet some of our members and sign up to become one, $20 is all you need and you’re good for the year. Thanks to all those who have been by the booth and signed up, look forward to meeting you at the next cruise!:auto:

I would like to thank Craig for the use of his trailer and to everyone who helped out. It was a good show. I wouldn’t mind doing it again next year, but with more cars :smiley:

The roadster will be available next year. …and possibly the 510.

Some turned out good some not so good here are the best ones, they all never really stopped and posed which was gay they were crappy models haha







I would also like to thank Craig and everyone else who showed up and lent their time and cars for the weekened.

At least I was able to watch the fashion show 6X this weekend. lol.

was awesome showing up and helping out at the show and got to talk to alot of good people and would love to do it anytime again…

YESSS… TAHNKS CRAIG… Me love him long time!!

Ryan, where are those "other"pics ?

They are coming. Kinda busy @ work today.

Yes, Thank you Craig, you played a big part in the show.
Very disapointing about how everything was Judged and what class the Z was placed into.
B.s. imo.

Had a blast, thanks again to everyone involved.