whats weird is the day we went up on the cruise, and your bro raced corys integra and ran dead nuts even with him ( I even saw the video) when I raced Cory that day when I was actually in the RIGHT gear, I put 1-2 cars on him…
im sure he could chime in here if you dont believe me.
ok, how ever you wanna look at it, if it make you feel better to think your car is faster than Joey’s, thats fine…remember tho, his is stock! So dont pound your chest to much!
btw who started the rumor that you beat Billy??? lets hear this one?
I had about half a car on him until he started coming around me around 120+ or so…
hahah are you fucking kidding me? he is gonna shit a brick when i tell him you think you beat him! Was he racing??? This has to be a joke… there is no way in hell you actually believe in you head, honestly that you beat/ can beat his viper!
i think he said that the viper started coming around him. doesnt sound like he thought he beat him to me…
did you not read what I said?
I said he CAME around me by 120…meaning he beat me??
and yah…we were racing…he told me to beep and we hit it…I think that qualifies as a race.
ok so your telling me that from a slow roll to 120 you will be ahead of the viper??? NO FUCKING WAY! I will bet ANY amount of $$$ you want he is out front way before 120mph!
let me put my boots on b/c the shit is getting DEEP in hear! I am sitting hear laughing b/c i really can not believe what i am even reading right now.
we went from a 60 roll???
60-120 isnt exactly a long race…
WOW u guys r way too srs with this shit.
its long enough that 450rwhp 450rwtq will beat you. If Billy didnt have to get up at 2am and go to NYC for work i would call him right now, b/c im sure he would like to see this non sense!
Well i’v had enough of this circus, time to go to bed… Andrew, as you know im busting your balls, obviously no hard feelings but you better lay off the drugs, b/c your coming up w/ some silly shit lately. maybe when we all race again you’ll have to take off those imaginary googles you got on and actually see what is really happening!
I totally believe that SSSSSSSSSSSSSS’s car could hang with the Viper like he said, given the right circumstances. I also believe that under perfect circumstances that the Viper would win. The difference between a 420 and 450WHP car on a highway roll with two different drivers is marginal at best, given similar vehicle weights.
i heard smookin has a turbo setup now
sigh…pete…go to bed, ur babbling