Pre-Bench race 2010

:lol Its all good ya sexy bitch

hahahaha… you’ll need it cuz ull get SMOKED!:lol… no… srsly though. :shifty


no one cares

what did ya find a girl with good credit lolololol…zing
just playin …or am i

Oh noooo :rofl

did ya get my message last night asshole

Yeah I was meaning to call ya back but got distracted with shit. Im probably not going to be able to do the work, but Id be more than happy to reccomend an awesome setup for him to run:thumbup

maybe?.. nah, just playin… or am i?:ahh

never said itd have 4 wheels…:ninja

It was nice knowin ya travis :lol

i already dumped one bike… whats the chance of me goin down again… i mean really… that shit cant happen twice. :banghead

k ,ill call ya sometime

:rofl:rofl:rofl watch out gramma :rofl:rofl:rofl i dont know how to ride :ahh:ahh:ahh ohhhh shit i just fucked myself up again why do i keep makin bad choices .i thought i had a eppifany once about a week ago ,sayin how dumb i was turns out it was just the farts

are u really believing what im typing here? come on… this is the forum of pipe dreams. i thought you knew better than that johnny…

i know ,ya couldnt see the sarcasm in my post

you as a whole, encompass the definition of sarcasm.

… +1


Bring the spray. and im out to get you cuz you got me. we’ll do a run on spray and off…but I hope by next year you’re finnally “experienced” enough to dig your car. :thumb