Pre Drift PARTY April 25 @ Shannonville!!

Hey guys!

It’s a long drive to Shannonville. Waking up at 5am and driving 2hrs to thrash your car for the whole day and drive 2hrs back is lame.

Thats why, Drift Ops is gonna party out and camp at Shannonville Friday!
The gates for the grounds will be open, and there will be electricity available also.

There’s nothing like waking up in the morning and go straight onto the track! YAY!

Anyways, We’ll be rolling in around 8 or 9pm that night. Bring your own booze and food! Still gets pretty chilly at night so brings something warm!

This weekend is gonna be a insane!


Great Idea

Sent you an email this morning

hmmmm, VERY tempting.

check the thread on SON

its already going down hardcore.

sounds nice but im rolling in saturday morning… :R