Presidency Discussion & Memes (45th, 46th, 47th Presidents)

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Faith in the electorate -100

I mean, seriously… if you don’t know who to vote for this election just stay home. This is not John Jackson vs Jack Johnson…

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Here’s a nightmare scenario…

I saw it. now you have to.

Let’s see how this all
Plays out l

10:31 pm and looking very good. Betting markets have Trump at 88% on Polymartket and Robinhood. Fox talking heads are a c-hair away from popping the champagne.


Let’s go baby!!!

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Polymarket as of 10:42PM…

Probably reacting to DecisionDesk calling GA for Trump.

CNN trying to hype the CA polls closing so they’re SUPER desperate for some Kamala good news.

Granted it’s FL but my typically blue county (something like 30% African American) voted red even after recently electing a blue mayor.

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The live odds on DecisionDeskHQ… 11:11PM has Trump at 81.7%.

We’re at 50 in the senate right now.


BOOM. Thank you and goodnight.




Spent at least 10 minutes arguing with my daughter last night.
The only cause she cares about is rights to abortions because she wants to move to Florida or Texas to work for NASA and those states don’t care about women.

“The government needs to give women the right to abortions” - She does not actually support the idea of them, but pregnant women could die etc.

I was very loud after “The government gives us our rights”… LOL - Maybe next time i’ll try and have that convo w/o drinking.

Pretty sure she has a new core memory :chipmunk:


More to come later

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Send her this link, in FL we have exceptions to the 6 week rule outline in the statute… the first being termination of the pregnancy is necessary to save the pregnant woman’s life or avert a serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman other than a psychological condition.

edit: this is why all the propaganda against FL’s regulation is bullshit. It carves out expected exemption but you never see that on the news.


I might.

Shes smart enough to do research.
Or at least research against everything republican.

That’s often the problem is they won’t look up anything that weakens their argument in any topic. I deal with this with one of my best friends who is a mid-40s civil engineer. He calls everything I say bullshit and conspiracy theory. He actually apologized to me a few weeks back because he said I was full of shit that the vaccine increases the rate of myocarditus and other heart related disease but the studies were highly censored by google and other social media. He finally went out of his way to look up the studies I mentioned and had to eat crow.

My daughter is 20 so basically 16/17 by old standards. She’s coming along and i have no idea where she gets her stubborn behaviors. /pinkfont

I support the safe/legal/rare option and more of the if you “catch it early” option, i could get over it. If you use it as birth controln you get free sterilization.

That argument DID NOT go over well. Lol

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I’ve gone back and forth on the issue myself. One of the best arguments I’ve heard for pro-life that is not based on religious belief is this:

If a person murders a pregnant woman, regardless of the gestation period, they are typically tried and found guilty of murder/manslaughter of both the mother and the unborn baby. By that logic, abortion is murder.

I can agree that 6 weeks in FL is pretty restrictive time period because it is not uncommon to not be aware of pregnancy in that timeline but what was on our ballot for vote was so nonrestrictive that there was no way I could vote for it. I agree, if you use it as birth control, fuck off.

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