yep. Most refuse to answer about their opinion on when exactly it is considered a life.
My opinion is based on my experience. Hearing heartbeats on the speaker in the doctors office was where it got real, so that’s my line.
yep. Most refuse to answer about their opinion on when exactly it is considered a life.
My opinion is based on my experience. Hearing heartbeats on the speaker in the doctors office was where it got real, so that’s my line.
Not sure if it was mentioned, but the donald is now
Chances of taking the house just took a huge jump, and the predicted split is up to 220/215.
So… If he does survive another 2 months and get inaugurated, Do we rename/reopen the old trump thread?
House now at 94.7% chance of Republican control. Projected 223 to 212 split which means we’ll actually have a little cushion to lose some RINO’s each vote and still pass things.
oAlso Fox just called Michigan for Trump. If you add MI to the DecisionDesk total of 286 (They haven’t called MI yet but have called some other states Fox hasn’t yet like AK and NV) that puts him at 301 with just AZ left. AZ needs to be banned from federal elections. They’re just the 14th largest state with only 7.4 million people and they still have a bunch of counties with only around 60% reported. One with only 38%.
Vote tabulation should be so easy, wtf
TikTok bomb…
TikTok bomb removed because the mobile preview just can’t handle that much awesome
These TikTok dumps absolutely destroyed the page to the point my phone is reloading and then eventually goes black screen error. iPhone pro max 14. Latest OS
probably for your safety
JayS is clearly a Chinese spy now.
Whoops. I posted them all from my 16 pro max too. I just deleted the post because even my phone couldn’t handle scrolling all the previews.
It’s too bad because holy fuck my FYP was on fire last night.
Worked fine for me. Deleted because of the communist accusation I assume.
I’ll have to make a video of myself crying about the loss of content in the thread.
Why you hate China? China great nation, #1 many rights. Xi compassionate leader love you long time.
Because they are not far behind in their air separation equipment at 1/10th the cost LOL job security that they don’t get on par.
Many like for comrade in memes