President's Day Lunch (2/16)

I never get to make it to any other lunch dates because of working in East Greenbush…
But since Monday is a holiday, I can’t think of any better way to enjoy my day off than getting lunch with my Shift pals. :hug

im in… time/place?

too bad I still have class…fuck HVCC

blow it off.

Im in !! where and when …Nicole doesnt a mango berry martini sound yummy :wink: i vote for buca’s :smiley:

Must be nice to get a Monday holiday off.

Lazy bums.

No srsly, I’m taking Monday off too, or at least part of it.

Well, I’ll be at work, yay, but depending on when and where, I would gladly run from work for a few…

I’m off monday so count me the f in. Where is this going down my friend?

Count me in.!

im in … time and place

What about O’Toole’s? I feel like the Shift kids haven’t invaded there in a while… say around 12:30?

Suuuuuure I am off :smiley:

Yay!!! Mike I haven’t seen you in ages!! :excited

I’d be down. I’m not sure where this Otooles is though

kohls lot off central in colonie

OTooles is good with me…

otooles would be cool, Ive never been there :slight_smile:

otooles it be then… monday at 1230?

Boo… I dunno if I can make it. I have a meeting at 11. Then I have another meeting around 2 or 3. I dunno if I’ll be out of the first one in time.