President's Day Lunch (2/16)

Yeah, I’ve got a meeting at 1:30-ish, but I’ll try to get to lunch a little early I guess.

Okay, it’s settled then. O’Toole’s tomorrow @ 12:30.


can i bring my sidekick (kyleen)my daughter to otool’s i have never been there? if so ill stop by.

yes, she can come.

I thought you girls were trying to lose weight? Want me to call in your meal selections?:slight_smile:

Shouldnt the presidents day lunch be at KFC this year?




im on a diet too but im sure theres something good

Diets are stupid, its not the food its the amount u eat, but some ppl swear by it so I dunno lol

i eat 6 times a day breakfast : hydroxycut 1/4 cup of egg and half peice of dry toast
snack : 100 calorie pack
lunch : hydroxycut slimfast shake or subway wrap
snack : 100 calorie rack
dinner: hydroxycut frozen healthy choice dinner

I’m down for eating a pulled pork sammich and having a few beers, diet people can stay the fuck home. :tongue

If i eat like u i would be pulling my own pork and to fat to fuck lol i need to lower my blood presure said the docter. i weigh 245lbs and im only 5`8"

tricia you dont need to worry about diting !

102/70 here.

I’d say I’d come but my son is off of school this week… he’s 6 years old so I dunno how well that would go over… LOL he’d tell you guys that you can’t swear and stuff LOL he’s a little punk! :lol

And if I go I’m dragging Linz with me too! LOL

How old is this other child that is going? lol

not very

I think 4?

I would not reccomend bringing children, nor begin to imply in any way that this is going to be a child safe environment. Jeremy, your daughter came to the Chill ‘n’ Grill… the damage has already been done.