President's Day Lunch (2/16)

Not much these boys can teach my son that my brothers already haven’t taught him! LOL

I’m going to Catskill anyways! Gotta go help my dad!

Maybe another time!

my oldest was there he wasnt scarred ,shit if i remeber he was makin on jer,s daughter:rofl

12:30 at otooles? ill try to be there

holy shit nick where ya been

around. LOL Workin alot.

no shit welcome back kid

thanks. If my exhaust is done on the S-Dime, ill be at otools at 12:30 tomorrow

wat :eek

THAT would be my son but the only difference is that he likes his ladies a little bit older :lol:lol:lol

im not goin cause lindsay is goin

Is that why he stares at me like that??? oh wait no its just cuz he’s planning my death ahahahahahha “chucky” :rofl

:Idiots lol…dont worry I’m not goin, so you can go get your lunch on

He just wanted to show you his lego creation!!! LOL He is kinda creepy still!! LOL

He looks at you like that cuz you brought another man into my house and he was gonna make his move LOL :lol:lol

hahahahhaahahah…he looks at me like that cuz I try winning at pokemon lol…yo this crazy bitch thinks shes gunna win at my own game?? doesnt she know I ALWAYS win

i still dont wana go because you posted in this thread:'(

come becuz im going leo:hug

LOL he loves to beat you at pokemon! LOL I still don’t understand it!

He wants to show you his new game too! Bakugon Brawlers or something like that… it’s so strange… lol idk… lol just wait you’ll be like WTF?! :rofl

And I bet he’ll win at that one too LOL

One…two…three…four…five… Five lol’s.

You’re an asshole but i’m still laughing LOL :rofl:rofl

its ok we all understand