Pretty Cool Bike Build

The guy builds what he descibes as “Post-Apocalyptic Punk” style bike…he is a hell of a craftsman…


I love all their builds.

So do I. Over the years of working with and building various vehicles I’ve come to enjoy the craft itself vs the final product/build. I can spend hours looking over builds like this too see the little things that make it up, and the thought that went into it

The oxy/acetylene torch handle being used for a bar end is perfect, and I wouldn’t be surprised to find out he incorporated a switch into oe of the control valves it still has

Nice find!!

well thats surprising, I really enjoyed it but expected people on here to just rip the shit out of it…lol

craftsman of trade dont rip shit apart when they see the soul in the product.

The bike looks like hell, but the emotion behind the builder, the parts, the practice, the everything is what sets an “ugly” bike apart from a “ugly hackjob fake” of a bike. Its just like my thread on the WTF cars these days. The end product means nothing if it doesnt have the ambition and heart behind the builder, thats what give the project a soul.

like the idea he had about the “rivet” holding it on the clipons. drilled a hole and tigged on a dab of aluminuim knowing it wouldnt stick to the brass, but it would the base metal, making a little “rivet” to retain it. I love seeing stuff like that, makes you stand back and think.

Cool video. Cool concept. Can’t stand the bike. Lol


Great video, deep. we need more teachers like that, and less of the ones getting hammered and posting pics on facebook…