Pretty sweet new concept by ford

so my stepdad works at ford, and the other day i was talking about what i want in a car when he says “sounds like you would love the new ford reflex”

apparently they have TVs throught the stamping plant that have all the newest cars and concepts playing 24/7…so i looked it up.

pretty sweet lookin, and they say it would be a diesel :tup:

as for looks, I would change the rims, as for their supposed performance it sounds all nice but ya, we will see

its got some cool features but ever since they first brought out this concept it has looked way too concepty to put into production… i’ll have to see if they ever make it into production and what they decide to put in there before i make a judgement

^ yeah i agree. i just think it would be super awesome if they ditched the 20" chrome rims and put in a sweet ass turbo deisel in there. o and RWD ftw

Pretty cool looking

i think ford should re-design their company logo…

all cars with that badge just looks…cheap.

true dat!

wasn’t this at toronto when we attended the grand prix race? I’m sure i’ll look less like that and more like a sweet Ford Contour when it hits the production lines.

looks pretty good

doesnt really look more like a concept than the new camaro or challenger.

i think that looks dam good.OMG i said that about a ford and its not a stang

here is a short clip of that car, or rather that car has a short part ina short film by Ford. I highly reccomend you watch them in order but that car is in episode 2.


They really need to do something about the ford emblems. It’s just so big and dead center on EVERY car/truck now. It would look so much better if it was smaller and more offset. Instead of a huge 4 inch bright blue oval. Sure they are trying to get the name out there more. But you don’t do it by putting a bigger badge on. You do it by making it better so people take notice.

I love the new shelby in that video tis’ sweet. I will own one someday even if I have to sell my first-born.

That concept car kind of reminds me of the original “probe” concepts (Not the car itself) from the early 80s late 70s.

wow, it looks great in that short film, and so does the GR-1 fuzzy is humping too. lol