seen these in person
nice steamrollers
seen these in person
nice steamrollers
dvstr, having an SR doesn’t give you to right to pick on me. Let’s race for $1000. 1 race. Let me know if you’re interested. thanks.
I don’t have any money, but I do have the pink slip to my car. :hsugh:
lol…green slip.
lol if you win, you get the money, but definitely not the respect.
Mark if you win or lose, all of this is yours.
But if you win…you get her too:
(Note to self, do not EVER google image the word gay.)
haha jon, that was a good one.
nooooooooo! monicaa!!
Monica: What’s your problem, nigga? You didn’t win!
Ask any racer, any real racer. It doesn’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile; winning’s winning.
Wow that was like… shockingly deep…
one thing i knows you should knows is, its not how you stand by ya car its how you race ya car…you better learn that.
thanks tips!
I’ll run ya man.
Dude that’s like 4 years ago… it’s not how you stand by ya car, it’s how you drift it.
This car has to be seen in person, especially from the rear; not because
you’re losing to John in a race. :o
i have some 345’s ready to go on too… im just too poor to get them mounted
enough of the ghey FNF quotes…
i’d like some explanations for Never’s pics and Jammin’s pics…
firstly, why put 305’s on a s13? that is just insanity… not that i wouldnt do it, but certainly not unless i was pushing the kind of power that would warrant them.
do it :shock: in fact HELL put 335s on!
Beat the competition damn it! :shock:
do it do it doooo itttttttttttttttttt
PS - its kinda fun to see these build ups and the lil competition hehe
PPS - Bings update your website or get someone to update it
revelation… jammin’s image is fake…
you suck for lying
you fell for it
im teh uber photoshop noob too. hahah
no offense, but thats disgusting
at least paint that hideous plate black or something… and get the plastic that goes around the shifter hehe