see you at Dunville guys
R32 = wood…
In some trim levels, yes. :lol:
Dude, wood is wood, ask any carpenter, any real carpenter. It dont matter if it’s plywood or maple, wood is wood.
is there something you CANT turn around from an f&f quote?
Oh you’ll get some, more than you can handle!
I would call bing out, but hes not a girl so he doesnt get that privaledge.
And his wood > my wood (not talking about whats in our pants because hes azn :mamoru:)
On another note…
Let me see your grillz, you wanna see my what?
im gona school you all with my wood.
why? because i have a pamp cockpit.
you sirs have a pussy pit.
Sure, I have tear drops, but they are JDM teardrops!
that ride height must be dealt with
Come on, you know I will be schooling everyone this year.
Even Dan, because he doesn’t have an oil cooler. :o
I’ve got a hacksaw and a ruler to fix that!
What the hell is the ruler for?
oh yeah… nice wheels Mark!
Yous all suxorzzz…!
Especially you Bing
lol at camber in the rear. are those neons or ur flash?
dats da bling bling Cal! :lol:
Nice thread you’ve started Mark, it’s a good funny read and it’s nice to see this has’nt gone to shite.
maybe until your engine explodes, then i will be teh winnar.
dv… stfu, you lost to a civic.
lies, i msged her to go and its been a week, and no reponse.
btw looks like your rims came off one of these, wait a sec its red too, your car and this scooter have alot in common, bad rims and slow…
I wanna play too… but I have nothing.
Well I guess just my 305s, the 255’s were too small