printing 4 items on 1 page in PS7???? how too??

I have this quick little flyer I made up and I wanna print 4 of them per page in photoshop 7, how do i duplicate them so I can print 4 per page??? I thought it would let me ctrl c and then paste it in the print preview screen but it wont. Any Ideas??? I am searching tutorials now.

check your printer settings, may be in there as well.

never used PS7… you should be able to go to File>Print…> then choose (4) copies.


why would you make a flyer in photoshop? Illustrator or INdesign would be much better suited for making somethiing printable.

probably the easyest thing to do is create a new document your paper size. and copy your flyer and paste it into the correct sized new document. and scale it to howmany times you want it to fit. for your print.

microsoft picture viewer will make prints this way.


probably the easyest thing to do is create a new document your paper size. and copy your flyer and paste it into the correct sized new document. and scale it to howmany times you want it to fit. for your print.


thats what I did