Prison Break


that premier was kinda lamesauce.

I wasnt that drawn into it, they had better episodes last season that were just basic episodes.

I do find it funny that Jodi Lyn O’keefe and Cress Williams Got to work together again 8 years later.

They were both on Nash Bridges during the 2000, season.

Cress williams was the big black guy with the company, the one that killed whistler.

your dumb

well there was proven facts that people with herpes didnt enjoy the premier as much as people without.

probably explains it.


nice edit

I wasn’t sure how they would continue the series for another season. Interesting twist. Kinda seemed like they pulled the Sara story out of their ass in order to bring her back. But hey, she’s back.

I liked when TeaBag was in the desert and came across the guys that picked him up.

“Bad mexican?”
“Something like that”


LOLs… sweet edit.

its called a joke. i get ragged on 24/7 here… learn to take it.

hence the edit, i quit smoking, im a bit edgey. so i removed it. Its all good.

hahahaha aight.

im edgy too

No who was the women tied up in the jail cell at the end of the episode?

I thought they were trying to say the sara with Michael was a body double and the real one was locked up.

ohhhh the woman at the end was that Gretchen bitch

That makes way more sense. Did he kill the prison worker and her roommate? I hate it when they don’t close loops in the plot.

haha dont think so. Think that chick is gonna be forced to help em out, but who knows.

Missed the episode tonight Skunk. No update from you.

That dude that is now their “boss” that had the shitty failed tv show on fox with the smoking hot daughter annoys the fuck out of me. Can someone end him? He sucks at acting.

yea…to be honest, i dont see that actor as being right for that part let alone the show.

tonight’s show was good. basically had to hunt down the other cards as per the end of last weeks episode.

the show should be on here by tomorrow. You can stream it.

bump! 10 min warning