problem with megan coilovers

i installed the megans coilovers about 2 weeks ago in my car …

im trying to figure out how to lower the height of them ? i tried doing it today and it will not move … when u turn it everything turns ( front only )

how do i solve my problem??

and i bought these used but were in awsome shape soo no rust nothing

jack up car. take off wheel.

unbolt the two lower strut mount bolts.

twist the entire lower mount accordingly. reattach to spindle.

^^ 100% accurate. The lower mount needs to turn separately from the rest of the unit, use some wd40 or whatever if its seized but it spins nicely on the threads. do your measurements before you jack the car up!

if you wanna bring your car here you are welcome to - it’s an easy friggn job

i tired doing that it does not work trust me …

i tried wd40 nothing…

where is your place where i can come and do it??

its just my house, i was offering you some assistance because its normally really easy to do

if they are seized though, you might need to take them right off of the car and get them in a vice… and get some better penetrating lube than wd40… pb buster is much better and i’ve read (not tested myself though) that seafoam deep creep is even better than pb buster.

pb buster can be had for $8.99 or so i believe from canadian tire

it just depends how rusted they are… if you take care of them though, that should NEVER HAPPEN. You might need to demand some sort of a refund or something from the seller if he sold you sized coilovers haha… regardless like I said - I’m willing to help

I’ve adjusted mine many times at my place - I don’t have great tools or anything to get it done easier… like I said I was just offering assistance… I’m located in Oakville fyi