Program to make CD's

I have a shit load of tunes i aquired from the net. I wanna find a good and easy program to make cd’s. The POS program my Vaio came with blows. Is there an easy program on the net i can snag for free?

Nero … you can use my disk

so i gotta get yer disk? I cant get it from the net? Or even Limewire?

yea, i think nero is the best. i’m sure you could find it on limewire

Burn4Free reallly easy to use

if theyre just music CD’s Itunes has gotta be the easiest, just make a playlist and click Burn disc

can i grab any songs from within my computer or do i need to have them dl’ed via itunes, i already have the itunes program.

y dont u just use windows mediai player

how do i get all my music files with media player? it only lists about 10 songs, i have around 1000 in my puter.

AHHH NM, figured it out.