Project car pictures

So I’ve been working on this BMW for the past few months and so far its come out pretty well. I’m a big fan of older BMWs so when I found this for $400 I jumped at the opportunity. Its a 90 535i 5 speed.

I’ve since installed a new differential, replaced the head gasket, and replaced the exhaust from the cat back. I also added the taillights and new wheels. This car is an absolute blast to drive. Its got the m30 engine (3.4L) and a 3.91 limited slip diff which is a lot of fun. Let me know what you think, pictures are after a quick clay bar and wax.

wow, for $400 + whatever you spent on parts, you made out pretty well


400! wow nice buy

very clean

HUGE :tup: Nice.

where did you find this deal?

sweet car justin

thanks guys…I actually met the guy who sold it to me randomly at work one day and the subject came up. He wanted to see it go to an owner it would mean something to so we struck a deal. I still can’t believe how great a deal it was myself, the body is in great shape.

very nice

why the hell can’t I find deals like that…

awesome car man :tup:

stellar deal

Wow. That’s gorgeous.

Let me know when you’re ready to sell it.

Awesome car, I think you made out like a bandit

btw the M30 is 3.5 liters not 3.4 :stuck_out_tongue:

actually it is a 3.4L they just rounded up with the numbers

Nice find.


actually it is a 3.4L they just rounded up with the numbers


QFT, it’s something like 3430cc, if I remember right. Great engine too. You should do head studs and a gasket and turbo that bitch! Easy 300-400whp on stock internals, reliably.

Absolutely gorgeous. That’s what I’m looking for too, almost exactly the same car. Nice deal too, lucky bastard :stuck_out_tongue: