Proof that swallowing is good for your state of mind

Well for women at least, this is the most important scientific study of all time.

:hsugh: :hsugh: :hsugh: :hsugh: :hsugh: :hsugh:
:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:


Single most important medical article known to MAN. Word.

all I can say is wow to that. good find and interesting to see that we have an affect on women.


Gallup’s survey of 293 college women also found that those who did not use condoms were most likely to initiate sex and to seek out new partners as soon as a relationship ended. “These women are more vulnerable to the rebound effect, which suggests that there is a chemical dependency,” says Gallup.


I can totally vouch to that article, its also really good for your complexion, if you know what I mean, lol

Explain in detail


:bowdown: I bow to you


Not really, just offering my opinion … I’m kind of any expert on the subject. Why how is it for your complection? LoL
It is medically proven that its good for ur skin. There are lotions with it in there :op:

I’ve been telling my girl that for a long time, but she doesn’t believe me.

Good find though.

I want the job of providing for their lotion.

Better taken orally or applied topically?

Are all of those lotions the pump-style bottles?


show me the scientific study that correlates (sp) with that.

Also… a VERY important line in this article is “There was no such correlation for women whose partners regularly used condoms.”

WHICH for those in the research field can disprove ANY research. In order for the research to be 100% conclusive there needs to be a direct correlation on both sides.

Oh well for that idea.

I just wondering if Gullap got to watch? You know just to make sure no one was cheating…

so in other words we could call you cum face?:stick: