Proposed Oilers Arena Downtown

This looks awesome, sweet structure totally awesome business build up and location proposal is the block south side of 102 ave. Across from Police Headquarters. Level all those dumpy buildings and build this bute. Hopefully the city agrees they start building it soon!

I say…dont mess with a good thing

What exactly are in those “dumpy” buildings?

I heard a long time ago that it was going where that huge old postal office is around there.

So long as those fuckos don’t use my tax dollars on it. Knowing our current city council I’m sure well cover at least half of it though.

Where will people park?

Those dumpy buildings are residential neighborhoods
plus 3 buildings that is a care center for mentally challenged older folks that cant afford living in a seniors home. Bridgeway is what its called.
I used to “work” there for community service :stuck_out_tongue:

People don’t need paring areas. This is proven with Eskimo games. As long as there are pedways to and from the LRT and they are working well, people will use public transit or park 6 blocks away.

Most rinks nowadays have no parking around the rink and honestly a huge ugly parking lot will take away from the area. I like this concept. I hope Katz isn’t too afraid of the economic situation and starts building a new rink soon.

I can’t see it being a problem to raise capital for this without tax paying money. You can’t think for one minute that Norhtlands is not going to have their paws on the concesison for this building or be running events out of this building. it’s a no brainer for them.

Also, rumour has it that the Baccarat Casino owner wants to build a new casino attached to the Arena, so ther eis more capital. And also I think the city should invest in this building. Not only will they be making money with this arena being operational, but the taxes alone for the area would be a gold mine.

To not build an arena downtown is stupid. They need to revive the downtown area. By building this, it will clean up some of the shitty areas, rejuvenate small business growth for the downtown area and create more inner city home owners.

I heard one dipshit city councillor this morning saying that this was a bad idea. He is not looking a tthe big picture, Think about how downtown is going to look once the new Art gallery is built and if we have this arena also built with blocks of Churchill square.

I don’t know if anyone has been to Denver. Their downtown is fantastic and a kick ass place to take photographs and chill out. Awesome architecture and plenty to see and do. I hope our downtown will be this in the future. Cuz right now it is pathetic to see it so dead on the weekends and see Whyte ave so busy.

only thinkg i dont like about the design is how open it appears, since hockey season is in the winter i would assume a “warmer” design.
any idea what the two big towers attatched are?

could be a hotel and casino complex. With business offices I am thinking. And ya I don’t think this will be the final design, it’s pretty radical for the blue collar thinking in this town…