Proposition 3-17

Proposition 3-17 is a campaign to make St. Patrick’s Day an official holiday in the US.

In order to present the petition to Congress, the brewers of Guinness stout need 1 million signatures by midnight March 16th.

Get signing!

fuck the irish

Fuck you! Everyone comes out and parties on st. patties day. Even if you aren’t Irish!

More Holidays is more better. Pattys is a fun day and should be celebrated… even tho it celebrates public drunkedness :slight_smile:

Not saying anything is wrong with the day, but cmon, a national holiday?

yeah, that may be stretching it

even if it was a national holiday…i would probably still have to work.

Think of it like a White holiday, built completely around drinking.

Blacks get a month.

Gingers get a drunk day.

Fuck no. The only nationality-pride holiday that should be federally recognized in this country is the 4th of July.

Don’t get me wrong, I love St Patty’s day and I will be out drinking in honor of the 8% of Irish blood in me. I just don’t think an Irish pride holiday should be recognized by the American government.

meh, i will celebrate it the same way whether it’s a holiday or not…


Sounds like a marketing ploy to me.

paid holiday from work, sure.

i have off :slight_smile:

and my 21st is the 18th…:jam:

im not old enough to sign :frowning:

i think we should have the day after off. i might take off this year.

but black people get a whole month :gotme:

They don’t get a whole month national holiday. just recognition for that whole slavery thing… last time i checked we didnt enslave all the gingers in this country for awhile

what would You call the NYPD???