Props to Innovative v. seats

The team at Innovative hooked me up with some new Corbeau Forzas.

Heres a pic of them intalled:

With the help of Geoff and my uncle we got them in via custom brackets. Total net weight loss was about 90lbs.

Anyways, thats that

sexy…sexy…sexy…did i say sexy…

:tup: thx fr th pza.

:tup: innovative

:tup: weight loss

:tup: uncle c

niceeee… i had corbeaus in the mustang… soooo… are you going to put a harness bar in?

what material are those covered in? how durable is it?

does innovative carry recaro or bride as well?


nice seats they look great

I’m thinking about them seat, but with the micro suade for the vette. Could I check them out sometime? You go to school at UB right? I think you know my buddy Tim he has the red GTO.

they look kind of cool.

looking at the seat belts I would be concerned about safety since the belt can’t get tight against you? but I’m no expert.

Thank you sir. Wow you guys got those in quick. Nice work and LOL at 90 pounds although I’m not surprised.

Sell yes, stock no. It takes about a week and a half to get those if they’re in stock in the country. If anyone has kids I strongly recommend Recaros. I got them for my kids and Fastncheap just got one. They’re phenomenal.

nice job guys :tup:


very nice :tup:


looks good scott.

looks hottt…

Innovative :tup:

badass :tup:

innovative ftw :tup: :tup: :tup:

Stock seatbelts?


Yes Im using stock seat belts. They fit snug. No harness bar. They are mounted lower than stock as I am a giant freak.

I like them alot, maybe too much even.

Thanks for the compliments