Protectionism and Trade wars- v. China

This is certainly something to keep an eye and hope it doesn’t escalate.

escalate to what? Full on embargos?

Hopefully it does get to that. Millions of new jobs created for Americans and more American money staying in America. They need us more than we need them. Except for the trillions of dollars we owe them plus interest, of course.

I doubt those jobs would come back to America. There’s always another producer out there that’s cheap. India, Vietnam and Mexico come to mind.

OTOH, there’s a couple billion Chinese out there, and only 300 million Americans. The standard of living out there is crap - on average - but rising rapidly. People are wanting things, and American companies might get shunted out of the largest growing economy there is if this keeps up.

Oh, and China might demand repayment for all the loans they’ve given us to buy their stuff… :wink:


The unions are loving this so that alone should raise a big red flag.

Obama the king of unintended consequences continues to do his magic.

Africa is the new China.

Anyhow, this won’t go far. Too much interdependence. They need us to buy their junk, we need them to buy our debt.

Why did Obama do this?

^Oh, right, he is already thinking about 2012 and paying back for 2008. Nice.

This is a mixed bag. Its good to try to get more jobs back in the USA (which I agree it wont) or at least keep more money in the US. But on the down side, with our shitty economy, its just going to make certian things more expensive and piss china off.

The last thing we as consumers need in this economy is drastically rasing prices.

IMO We are past cutting ourselves off of chinese products, that should have been started years and years ago.

Tires are one thing. Chinese tires already have had recalls - but it’s the bigger-ticket non-commodity items that are more the issue… anyone check to see where their iPods/iPhones are made lately?

REALLY? He puts a tariff on products that are proven to be faulty, whose faults are LIFE THREATENING, to protect the people that are so stupid they put saving a few bucks on tires over their own lives, and the right side bitches?

When Burton moved to China I started snapping boards < 10 rides.

I am sure it is just coincidence that his mfg czar was formerly a special assistant to the president of the United Steel Workers. Just another favor/payback.

So why not tariff toys from China? There are plenty of ways to deal with defective products. As for “cheaping out”, half this board is running or have run Kumho or Hankook tires and they both have Chinese plants.

Pharmaceutical Drugs from China?

The will never fly.

Dont get me wrong I am not for most china product. How many of us have bought a crappy electric tool from harbor freight and had it break? I have a few times, now I just dont even bother to buy there in the 1st place (although I cant seem to kill their impact sockets lol)

But to tariff tires to protect stupid people?

I like JayS’s point, how many toy recalls has there been from china? or remember the dog food with the melamine in it that killed peoples pets, from china too

Meh, It just seems like everything latley is being sided for stupid people or poor people

FUCKKKKKKKK I was working on a tire sponsorship with a company from China. The tires BLOW for street/track but they are great for drifting. I bet this is gonna throw a wrench in things. Granted, it’s for the greater good without a doubt.

Yes, if they are known to contain anything harmful we can just donate them to people in Africa.