PRP Track Rental

Anyone interested in getting a few last runs in before the season is out? Were looking at either October 1st or 8th as possible dates both being saturdays. Let me know if you guys want to go asap because we need to make a deposit to save the date.

Price is going to be 50 dollars per car which more likely than not will get you more than 10 runs that day. Both tracks will be sprayed down with traction additive for the first 500 feet. Post here or pm me with any other questions

hmm, may be interested if i can get off work. sounds fun.

alot of ppl paid for the track last year and it never happend.

It wasn’t me who planned it so I don’t know what to say, if you wanna go let me know

i would but still waiting on parts. been 10 freaking weeks

sure. what the fuck.

i would but still waiting on parts. been 10 freaking weeks

bring the bike then

maybe, when you trying to do this? would i be able to run cars? if so ill try and get it ready for then

im game i need to run the quarter really wondering what my little 1 wheel wonder can do!

peglegger or unicycle?

peglegger no lsd :frowning:

i could see it now me riding down the track on a unicycle 5 mins later crossing the finish line

october 1st or 8th which one is better I’m trying to feel out when is good for everyone

oct 8 no good going to the psu vs osu game

later is cooler hopefully. is that a sat or a sunday?

its a saturday

what times you thinking all day?

chances are i work

if its all day oct 1st i can be out there for a good part of the day i will probally work at 4 at aap

I don’t think you can rent on sat. only sundays

OK then I just checked and yeah your right so either sunday the 2nd or sunday the 9th no steelers game either day I already checked

I might head up