NYSpeed Drag Day?

I feel like we have this conversation once a year, lol.

$60 per car for 1 lane on the strip and no prep. Unless they’ve changed their pricing (which is totally possible because I haven’t checked in 2 years) those prices are irrational when you can go to a test-n-tune night and actually run head-to-head on a second lane with friends for like $10.

Its never that simple. some idiot is always breaking and its almost always too crowded. Not to mention all the retards on street tires ruining the prep dragging water everywhere. when i rented the track it was sooo worth it. Now you need to make the date 3yrs in advance if you want a chance to rent it.

In for rental. $100 if I can run all day and not be bothered about tech.

This should get its own thread with a deposit required though if people really want something to be setup.

No back to our regularly scheduled program…

I have faith in Mustangs. Being at the track a bunch this season these guys just have that shit working right now. Who knows what kind of snky BS they will pull out.

When i did the trackday with terry last time (3 years ago) it was wellll worth the 40 bucks… i think there was 50 cars or so… I probably did 40-50 passes…

(the amount of slips I have is truly disgusting probably close to 300 between the 4 bikes I’ve taken to the strip :lol:)

Not to go offtopic here, but you can get in on other rentals. I was invited to a Mopar Club track rental. They don’t give a shit who shows up as long as you pay. They are all there for the same thing.


I have no idea how other groups do this for less than $60 per car. When I called them years ago, whoever it was that I spoke to said it’s $60 per car regardless of how many show up. This made no sense to me because typically as the number of participants increases the individual costs decrease. They told me “That’s not how we work here.”

So obviously I never bothered to speak to them again. If you guys know otherwise, let me know.

Also, they said it’s $60 for 1 lane which seems like half the fun to begin with.

Don’t go off those rates you can call them and work a better deal for both lanes.

At least that is what I have heard from people who did rentals…

lol, and that’s what I did but they said “Sorry that’s not how we work here.”

Weird maybe he knows you drive an import?

Ha, yeah right! I never told him anything about myself or NYSpeed. Maybe they were really strapped for cash at that point. After all, they’ve been bought and sold how many times in 2 years?

i would be in, so would ken

Track days are always worth it. As many runs as you want(moderate hot-lapping allows 30-40 runs per day), no tech hassle and some good friends. We pay $100/car down here for both lanes.

I don’t care about two lanes but it could be ok for grudge races I guess. Anyhow Set this up. Im in for $60 no prob. Shit if its $100 and I know track prep will be amazing id do that.

Joelster pm me if you know any this season I can get in still where they wont tech me as I need a roll bar.

The biggest problem seems to be the rental day… I was invited to 4 rentals this year, and all of them were on a Wednesday at 10am, and I usually can’t get off of work on short notice…

Psssht jobs are for suckers…but I will be working again before next season :frowning:

I was told the same as Onyx. They say they don’t give anyone special deals and those are the rates, yet other groups are charging less for track time. Perhaps their groups are sponsored in some fashion?

Wheres terry? I’m pretty sure it was 40 or so and there was a price break if a certain number showed up…

To answer your statement Bob has owned the Track for the past 25 years, except for 2009 when he sold the operations of it to someone, I forget their name, for the 2009 racing season and they ran it like complete dog shit, and Bob this past winter bought back all right ansd operations of the track and was back to running it this year and for any foreseeable future.

That’s what I asked them and they said they don’t do that, lol.

I talked to Terry a few weeks ago but this wasn’t on my mind then.

Let’s look into it over the winter for sometime in the spring. But I’m not doing anything without you guys manning up ($$$$) before the date.

---------- Post added at 03:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:45 PM ----------

Ah, I called them sometime in '09.

Mike, when did you call them? (Inn Tune Mike)

When i rented the track Vito was runnin it and it was awesome. From what i understand Vito leased it from bob and do to some “technicality” bob took the track back before the lease agreemant was up. Anyhow, im not too sure whatthe point of grudge racing is unless RT is being taken into effect. Otherwise a single lane with time slips can show everyone who is obviously faster. dont need 2 lanes to know who runs the faster time.

Josh, maybe if you get choda or someone that knows bob on a more personal level to vouch or contact him in regards to the circumstances he would be willing to cut a break. Im sure he has dreamers calling all the time with wanting to rent the track for next to nothing.

anyway, 60bucs is a bargain to get as many runs as you want in. 100bucs is still even a bargain and im sure there would be no problem getting money up front. Probably gunna have to be a weekend day for best turnout.