my next car is a cobalt for sure. before you laugh at them talk to brian ballard the fastest neon in the world in street trim is locketts and it went what 9.7’s Ballard has gone 9.3@157mph in his street trim cobalt so before you laugh at em catch up too em

Im glad I started drinking at the track, at least I had a head start. PRP has issues, they really dont care about anything or anyone. The one thing I didnt get about last night was:

“Its a computer wiring problem” - Since when did they install a new tree for there to be a wiring problem.

Also im really tired of them putting that RX7 into the 4 cylinder class… I got them to switch it last night, but they are idiots. I wish I had the money to build a track around here

i thought you did?

it does seem they dont liek the compact cars, and for teching there or anything else in general it is becoming a shit hole. getting hit with stones sucks during TNT nights, gamblers race sucks. and there shut down just blows, prep is at minumal, food is over priced, admission is over priced. But to have issues or give the Compacts a hard time is just BS.

Dude I was just joking. Calm down.
I’m not the one of those “cocky SRT guys” that thinks he has the best thing on 4 wheels. I have a genuine respect for all tastfully engineered/modified vehicles.

yes but you need to also remember you have a shitbox econon platform also. just like a civic,teggy, cavavlier, sunfire, cobalt, G5

if you hate on one you hate on them all.

also your SRT is also called a skittle

I’m well aware…see my last reply to boosted’s post.

:rofl: and this coming from a guy that drives a pick up truck and couldnt take a corner at half the speeds of the other cars you mentioned. arent you the big time pinks race car driver thats afraid to race these econo boxes? pathetic hypocrite. :nuts:

This thread is funny.:drama:

Yeah it’s getting outta hand…so off topic

my truck handles for being what it is. i can also haul shit, tow shit do other things with a truck that a econo box cant. not afraid just dont care to race one thats all.

:kekegay: :rofl: :kekegay: :rofl: :kekegay: :rofl:

i’ll stick to the little 1/8 mile track up here where you can get in about 20-30 runs in a day, and have a good chance at winning money in the brackets (won twice already). i’d rather run the full 1/4, but don’t like dealing with crap like this at the bigger tracks.