PRP is a joke!

I’m sorry, I have to vent a little. Its been a week, a whole week since I was their and I’m still steaming. $20 and two runs on a TEST AND TUNE night! Perhaps it should be named do a pass and watch a slick tired car blow up. Some of these failures you can see coming. Some of these cars are just thrown together. A T&T should not be shakedown testing, that is what you rent a track out for. A T&T is to dial in the suspension and tune the motor. It is not an event to figure out if garden hose will hold coolant.

Not to single out the racers because things do happen racing (but a little more preparation would be nice). What is up with the flow of events? The website states a 5 pm gate open and racing by 5:30 and were their till after 6 till the first car is off? Furthermore why is it necessary to take extremly long breaks for no reason between classes? Keep the cars racing, or are you afraid to let racers make some passes and actually get some testing and tuning done? Two passes, two frekin passes in over 5 hours at that damm track.

Perhaps the PRP owners and officials should take a field trip to a BSD friday night event. They have half the facility but its twice as fun. Two days after PRP on a rained out event I had 5 passes in by 8pm on a 5:30 start. This is not even a T&T event and I got some good passes in. Furthermore it was rained out and I actually got a refund, unlike PRP money tight pricks.

vented…feel better now

welcome to the club

well some nights are ok… i was there one night when everyone broke down and got 3 runs in, during the 5 hours i was there. 1st and second run was 3 hours apart!

other nights i got in 5 passes in the 5 hours.

one buddy got over 12 passes one wednesday night cuz no one showed up that day! thats insane! very few cars means lots of racing.

i just wish they prepped the track good. for 20 bucks and time they take to clean up wrecks, they might as well make it worth it by preppin the track extremely well. better prep will get them more business for sure

you are definitely one of the members in the I hate PRP club… that place just sucks

Ive only gone about 3 times. And every time ive got about 3-5 runs in (two of those times where the last day or the season)

but it could be worse, i know a guy out in Vegas that goes for the night TNTs and usally gets 1-2 runs and thats it.

But i know PRP has alot more problems then just the number or runs you get in, and i personaly dont like the place that much ether.

Back in the day when i went to test & tunes at mason dixon in MD, on two different occasions i was able to get more runs in than i felt like taking. You can only line up against 12-9 second cars so many times and click off your 14.8 in your neon before it gets kinda dull since nobody else showed up with anything slow. I’ve been really happy with that track, great road trip down to spend a saturday afternoon in the spring / fall.

keystone > * never used to be a problem at the track until recently… everyone fucked it all up.

some one e-mail this to them

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

like that will make a difference

u never know tho…with enough ppl bitch’n about it they might


oh we know… back a few years ago we used to bitch about letting slick cars run on street nights and they just closed their forums so no one could bitch… same with dumbestics on import nights and so on.

they dont care! they make their $ because there isn’t another track thats local… someone needs to develop one and they’d bank.

tru…that be pimp if another 1 would develop around here

southbound on 79 would of been great, but due to recent development area land pricing is through the roof… plus a track causes a lot of enviromental issues… same reason that it all fell through in moon at the old airport…

i knew a guy that always said when he gets rich he’d build a track close to downtown… lets hope he makes some big bucks and it comes true.

Old airport is all office buildings now

The one time i was at PRP this year, noone showed up b/c it was supposed to rain. I got like 5 runs in in like 3 hours! That was a freak occurance tho. II do agree that they should not allow the slick cars to run on TNT nights. it should be strictly street cars. Being that they upped the price from $15 to $20 further justifies my thought on this. Give us street car guys more time on the track by having the slick cars run on a different day. For them it’s all about money tho unfortunately (combine the two groups and save money)…Sux, but what are u gonna do. Lets all pitch in and buy an abandoned airport!!! hahahahaha

haha… the old airport has contaminated the ground from jet fuel and won’t be clean for like 500 years :rofl:

I’m on this bandwagon as well…getting tired of waiting for PRP to clean up another slick car mess so I can get my 1 or 2 runs in for my $20.

I remember a few years back when you got 5-6 runs in every week at the Thursday nite TNT.

What is the Quaker City TNT nite like? I hear mixed things about that track.

you are definitely one of the members in the I hate PRP club…

I’m a member of that club too.

Sucks, because I really don’t want to drive 2 1/2 hours to run at Thomson…and that’s the CLOSEST other track to me.

Someone should build a track right down in hazelwood, where the old coke works plant was located. That would be awsome.