PS3 is getting there!!

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News over the weekend that iPhone hacker George Hotz has “hacked the PS3” has been met with shock, surprise and incredulity. Sony’s console is undisputedly the most secure games machine ever made, yet Hotz claims to have achieved a full hack in just five weeks. PS3’s security fail is generating incredible interest both inside and outside of the games industry, to the point where an interview he gave to the BBC became the most popular news story on the site last night.

However, despite the level of publicity, it remains unclear what the ramifications of the hack actually are: whether homebrew coding can actually be enabled, whether the deliberately hobbled implementation of Linux can be improved and - crucially - whether Hotz’s work will open the door to piracy. It is interesting to note that despite the many claims, right now there has been no “hello world” homebrew code executed that typically demonstrates that the hacker actually has full control over the system.

What Hotz (hacker alias: Geohot) claims to have achieved is clearly important though. Posts on his blog put it blankly, revealing that he has “read/write access to the entire system memory, and HV level access to the processor. In other words, I have hacked the PS3”.

In older systems, like the PSP, reverse-engineering code contained within that memory map was enough to find the decryption keys to game security and system software updates, and so the concepts of ISO loaders and custom firmware emerged.

“Basically, I used hardware to open a small hole and then used software to make the hole the size of the system to get full read/write access,” Hotz told The Register. “Right now, although the system is broken, I have great power. I can make the system do whatever I want.”

The HV in question is the so-called Hypervisor - low-level code that no-one outside of IBM and Sony should have access to. It controls access to the hardware and monitors the operating system running on it. It’s also a key component of the security of both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. In theory, during run-time it can detect hacker attacks on the system - for example, the TIFF image exploits that have brought down some firmware revisions of the PSP. These typically worked by overrunning memory buffers, allowing hackers to implant code in memory where it really shouldn’t be, where it would then be executed. The implementation of the Hypervisor makes such attacks almost certain to fail.

Hotz reckons that his control over the Hypervisor is so complete that when it attempts to run code designed to secure the system, he can simply stop the call from ever happening. More than that, he can create his own calls designed to access the system at the very lowest levels. He claims to have created two new calls so far, one to read from any point in system memory (Peek) and the other to write (Poke). As the code injection is happening at pretty much the lowest level, the only way Sony can effectively defeat it is to redesign the hardware - although firmware updates can seek to circumvent whatever brand of code he chooses to inject into the system.

Making matters difficult is the fact that Sony and IBM’s security protocols were created to anticipate a worst-case scenario, and assumed that at some point someone like Geohot would gain access in this way. So even more layers of security were added to the design.

First up there’s the matter of the all-important decryption keys. The PS3 has eight SPUs circling its PowerPC core. One of those is disabled (to improve yields in fabricating the expensive CELL chip - more “faulty” ones can be used if the defective element of the chip is disabled). Another SPU handles security, processing encrypted code, leaving six purely for game developer usage. While the hack gives access to the entire system memory, the all-important decryption keys are held entirely in the SPU and can’t be read by Hotz’s new Hypervisor calls.

The other security element is the so-called root key within the CELL itself. It’s the master key to everything the PS3 processes at the very lowest level, and according to publicly available IBM documentation, it is never copied into main RAM, again making its retrieval challenging. While there is no evidence that Hotz has this, his BBC interview does make for alarming reading for Sony, particularly when he talks about publishing “details of the console’s ‘root key’, a master code that once known would make it easier for others to decipher and hack other security features on the console”.

Once the root key is available, it’s essentially game over for the system’s security for all-time, but it’s here that some of the claims being made for the hack don’t really add up. PSP has been compromised on many levels again and again, but its root key apparently remains unknown. The BBC report also quotes Hotz as saying that the hack opens up the PS3 to allow all models to run PS2 software: unless the original Graphics Synthesizer chip from the old console is in there, or a software emulator exists, this is almost certainly not the case. While elements of the story don’t add up, it is clear that what Geohot has achieved is significant, leaving many commentators to wonder what happens next.

Need to click link to get to page 2, I’m not posting it.

Anyway, I think once this thing is truly unlocked it will be on the top of all other consoles. Sony has such a narrow mind with what they allow this thing to do. Excited and glad to own one for once!

I love hearing about this stuff. Hardware hacks are so awesome. I wish I had free reign of the labs I work in to help hardware hackers.

Gran Turismo. [/PS3 thread]

shutup jclark.

I don’t even understand how people can argue the XBOX is better than the PS3. The ONLY thing better about XBOX, is the larger variety of games available and that is IT.

That is it. What is the failure rate on XBOX 360’s? 75%? Wait, you have to PAY for online gameplay? Wait, you don’t have blue-ray? Ohhhh.

I will gladly sacrifice not having a million different games to play for a system, that dosen’t break, has hi-def/blu ray, and has free online play.

I couldn’t finish reading the whole thing… it was confusing. So what is the significance of this hack?

Uh…that seems like a great reason to own an Xbox instead of a PS3…

I’ve used the PS3 online. It’s much buggier than XBL. XBL = $4/mo, whoopty do.

Not hatin’ just sayin’.

Anything. Potentially even hand jobs.

from like hot girls :excited… or like old dudes :cry


Whoa whoa, come again!!! Doesn’t break… yeaaaaaah. I’m all for the PS3, but it’s had it’s fair share of failures, and I for one can attest to that. The 40gig version was utter garbage as far as hardware was concerned. Over 60% of them were returned for repair, alot were not even accepted back for warranty such as in my case :shifty(hence it meeting the 3500HD and then kero…)

Both systems have their pro/cons.

I bet its a publicity stunt. Its believable until he said it can play Ps2 games. It was shown only the 60gb console had the hardware to play Ps2 games, and that the 80gb had an emulator of sorts. So his hack is somehow adding something thats not there? Or is he using a 60gb for these hacks?

The backdate(backwards compatibility) software to play PS2 games is available for free right on the sony online store as a download. It’s not in the other models, nor can it be simply uploaded to say a 40g or one of the newer units. however if he managed to unlock the core of the system to allow it to be loaded into it then it’s possible…it’s just code.

It’s like playing PS1 games on the ps2

just saying…

Okay, so it “cant” just because of software, like the Wii “cant” play DVD, cause mine sure does. :lol Thats good to know, I would be happy if just that got cracked, I have alot of Ps2 games. I still have a Ps2, but its the principle of the thing!

All systems will eventually fail with enough controller slamming rage induced gaming :lol

QFT and the PS3 controllers are wayyyyy weaker than the old PS2 ones used to be. That or I’m a lot stronger now. Utterly destroyed 2 PS3 controllers to date, and I don’t really ever play. LOL