Anyone own one of said PS3’s that will allow me to do a temporary HD transplant in it in the near future so I can recover my data files and load them to a USB flash drive?
My PS3 is on my permanent shit list, such a list that usually ends with me driving over things with the truck. Fucking thing will not stay running for more than 15-20 seconds now without “overheating” and shutting down. It’s NOT overheating, has to be some electronic glitch in the chipset as I’ve done all the work to ensure this fucker is staying cool. AS5, AC, direct forced air. At this point I can’t even keep it running long enough to download the files to a flash drive.
All I’ll need to do is remove that small side cover on the left and swap HD’s(takes 20 seconds to do) fire it up and flash everything from my HD to a flash drive so I can upload it to a 60g unit whenever the fuck I get around to getting one.
Pull everything out that has moving parts… CD Tray and hard drive…
Submerge rest of unit into fish tank of conola oil or some other crystal natural bullshit that people are using now its like 9 bucks a quart…
And have fun…
Ive been thinking about doing it for quite awhile but for some reason I can see it getting quite messy
Some company recently acctualy made a fishtank looking case designed just for this… puts all the hard drives/cd roms up top on the lid… its pretty fuckin neat
I was semi-joking about the submerge in oil thing, it works for cooling but your problem sounds like a bad temp sensor or software glitch. Backup your data and get the unit fixed or another one. just my $0.10 <- had to raise it from 2 cents, freaking Obama taxes are killing me
Oh I know you were joking, but I was seriously not when I said I might run this thing over.
I want to backup the HD but I can’t do that as I cannot keep the system operating long enough for me to even get the main screen up and loaded. All of ~10-15 seconds and the shit beeps and shuts down. Hence why I’m probably going to have to swap the drive into someones ps3 so I can do the data backup. I’'m going to just buy a 60gig unit like I should have in the first place.
Wayne, I did go buy some AS5 from a PC store right here in saratoga. worked good for a few days then progressively started gettign worse and worse.
I’d like to know if there is a remote thermal sensor in the PS3 and if so, where the fucker is.
That’s my assumption and that’s it’s built into the chipset somewhere.
the cooling system of the PS3 uses two sinks over the main graphics CPS that feed to a sodium filled copper tube setup and finally down to the finned exchanger and a 3 stage fan.
aside from the two sink touching the main chips, there no other heat transfer from the components to the heatsink. If i knew where the elusive sensor was even remotely located in the case I could try to adapt a different heatsink to it.
well I just got another big kick in the dick from Sony. Apparently you cannot swap drives between consoles. HD’s are embedded with chip data. Swapping into a different console requires a reformatt of the drive = losing all data.
So now I have to figure a way to keep this fucker running, or find a way to dump the data to a PC through an external drive case. It’s a segate 40gig HD. thoughts?