FS: Easily fixable PS3

I got it from my parents. Blu ray drive crapped out, so I shelled out the 85 bucks for a new one, that worked for a little while, until it stopped working again. I was getting into playing MAG alot, and the fucking drive ate my disc. Long story short I had to return the drive because it had a warrenty, and they never returned the 60 dollar game. I honestly dont play PS3 at all, but I’ve narrowed the repair parts to the controller board, or the disc insertion sensor. Both of which total a whopping 30 bucks online. Like I said, I simply don’t play PS3, so I have no desire to have more clutter.

I can also throw in a brand new PS3 remote, a brand new PS3 bluetooth headset, and a brand new energizer controller charging stand.I’ve also got assassin’s creed, madden '08, and Lair to throw in.

Taking best offer right now, I’d like to slim down my accumulation of unwanted items.

So it has no blu-ray drive in it right now? What model is it? PM me a ballpark price.

it DOES have a blu ray drive. It still powers on and functions, it just doesn’t feed a disc at all, which narrows it down the the logic board/controller and/or the little disc insertion sensor

what gen is it?

I believe it’s one of the first gens, not the newer slim version

Do you know the hard drive size? How many USB ports on the front?

ps3s are pulling a premium right now

40gb, 2 usb ports

D’oh! I needz a 60gb mobo :frowning: OR donor.

I am also holding out for a 60gb. I do really believe that they will release an update to make all Ps3 play Ps3 disks, after they stop selling the Ps2. Strange to think those still make sales.


I don’t understand what the difference is, but whatever… still for grabs

60gb consoles are backwards compatible to ps2 games. 40s aren’t.

Sell it to me for the sum of $38.

I’ll offer 39.

I’m putting pictures up tonight, need to go take a microbiology test…


will you sell the charge stand separately? $15?

If the whole thing doesn’t sell then yes, I might sell things seperately

so what do u need to get for it???



And This:
