psi2high = FAIL

That was hilarious! We kept doing that for the rest of the night, cossey’s shirt was pretty wet from Adam’s beer foaming all over him, lol

Dude, it wasnt just your average yack. It was almost projectile-style vomiting!! Denise was sitting next to me and she was like “HOLY SHIT!”:lol Such a fun ass night! Cossey, youre comin out with us more often man!

:lol HAHAHA, yeah, he “tinks” me and im like…well fuck this guy…a skeet skeet skeet on your shirt!

And what happenend to puke smiley…could be much used in this thread!

Ha ha you can all suck my balls.Fucking cossey and his bullshit antics. I’m glad you fell in the snowbank ha ha ha

Yo, so the tattoo’d up hot chick keeps texting me, AND, she has a bike. Im gonna throw the kangamangus on that bitch!

Get her over mikes this saturday

^ yeh what he said

Chris are you even going since its valentines day?

We got it, lightweight.

Go to hell mr im to busy to have a good time…you missed cossey face plant in a snow bank

:lol That was great too! Hes like “FUUUUUCK…im all wet.” Its ok man, they wont see it in the bar, and just tell em your Porsche got some girl wet all over

Oh like I havent seen that before. Be srs.

No srs, I was pooped after work. Pretty lame eh?

This just in:

Hot chick has a GSXR750 =-0

yup… i knew it.:gay

Dont knock it till ya tried it:wierd:lol

that only applies if hes driving a camaro, remember?

look at the one upper over here. thinks he’s hot shit cuz he’s got a j-o-b.
